AMAKS Ust ' -Kachka Perm region
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Cyclic pneumomassage apparatus "Limfa-E"

The device “Lymph-E” is intended for carrying out a cyclic massage of the upper and lower extremities in order to prevent and treat vascular and neurological disorders.

The pneumatic massager consists of a control unit, a set of massage cuffs and connecting hoses. There are air chambers in the cuff, divided into 7 sections, into which air is sequentially forced by the compressor.

Procedures are performed daily. In the course of treatment 8-10 procedures.

Indications for use

The device is used for the following diseases:

  • obliterating atherosclerosis of the limbs.
  • Raynaud's disease and syndrome.
  • Diabetic peripheral angiopathy of the limbs.
  • Angiodystonic syndrome and angiotrofonevroz.
  • Chronic venous and lymphatic insufficiency.
  • Joint pathology (arthrosis and arthritis of various etiologies).
  • Residual effects of paralysis and paresis of limbs.


The use of this device is extremely undesirable in case of varicose veins with a tendency to thrombosis, acute inflammatory skin diseases and cardiovascular insufficiency of 2-3 degrees.

the doctor endocrinologist, doctor of medical Sciences
Zavrajnih Lyubov Arkadyevna
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