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Seronegative spondyloarthritis

Is it possible to help slow the process of disease development? To cure this disease, unfortunately, still impossible, but to slow down – Yes. But you shouldn't rely on folk remedies. It is better to turn to professionals who have been working with this disease. This will be by far more productive than cure cabbage leaf.

Today, health effects can provide not only the influence of drugs, but also change the environment, for example, in a sanatorium.

Stay in sanatoriums involves not only medication, but a number of other measures that are beneficial to the healing process. A big role in the fight against spondiloartrite plays proper nutrition. Visitors of the resorts offers a specially designed diet that excludes fatty meat, milk, citrus, corn, rye and cereal. For local effects on the affected area is recommended physiotherapy: electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, radiation of the joint with ultraviolet light. During periods of remission effective massages and therapeutic exercise. In such methods of treatment is achieved positive dynamics in the recovery process.

Favorable resort setting, control specialists at your health, diet, the correct mode of the day – all this will help slow down the progression of the disease and show positive results. Worth a try by all means. Especially so nice.


  • Lesions of bones and joints with severe General phenomena: hectic temperature, a sharp depletion or the amyloidosis of internal organs.
  • Arthritis with progressive deforming process with ankylosis, contractures with irreversible changes in the joints, preventing independent movement and self-care.
  • Chronic osteomyelitis in the presence of major sequestrum or large metallic foreign body in osteomyelitisan the hearth.
  • Septic forms of rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis with the activity of the inflammatory process above II degree, with severe extra-articular lesions.

The consequences of not treating

Not all diseases passed on. Unfortunately, most of them just did leave a lasting impact. Especially if time does not take up the treatment. Loss of vision, severe skin lesions with gradual infection, serious violations of the health of your main organ – the heart, the development of renal failure. Already these diseases enough to clean up their act. But if you start seronegative spondiloartrite even more, that it can threaten even a disability.
Seronegative spondyloarthritis — a group of inflammatory diseases that occur with lesions of the joints and spine. Clinic seronegative spondyloarthritis may include articular syndrome, chronic inflammatory bowel disease, skin manifestations, lesions on the eyes, cardiovascular system and kidneys.
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